Project Portfolio

Climate Resilience

Flood resilience | Climate resilience

Making West Yorkshire more resilient to flooding and the impacts of climate change. 

Climate resilience

Integrating Environmental Data into the (SHAPE) GIS tool to promote climate resilient decision-making.

Climate resilience

Evidencing the geothermal energy potential in Yorkshires aquifer’s

Climate resilience

Understand the role that NFM can play in helping to reduce the impacts of drought.

Climate Resilience

Low-cost plan to help cricket clubs be more resilient to climate change

Climate resilience

Case studies to demonstrate how the Met Office’s UKCP18 data can be applied for flood and drought risk assessments in Yorkshire.

Climate resilience

Looking at how University of Leeds can become more resilient to climate change

Climate resilience

Developing a policy brief to support Leeds City Council in setting a water efficiency standard for new homes.

Flood Resilience

Flood resilience | Climate resilience

Making West Yorkshire more resilient to flooding and the impacts of climate change. 

Water quality | Flood resilience

Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.

Flood resilience

Using nature-based solutions to reduce the amount of debri in watercourses in Kirklees, West Yorkshire.

Natural flood management | Flood resilience

Support the delivery of NFM by producing accessible and helpful industry guidance in the UK (CIRIA funded).

Flood resilience

Delivering engagement tools to promote resilient behaviours in communities vulnerable to flooding.

Flood resilience

Continuing the legacy of our Communicating Flood Risk Project to a national scale.

Flood resilience

Supporting the development of an online database collating catchment data.

Flood resilience

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Flood resilience

Testing improved forecasting tools over several years and with users through 2022 Yorkshire Surface Water Flood Forecasting Testbed.

Flood resilience

Bringing together a range of stakeholders to look at flood risk management opportunities

Flood resilience

Provision of Natural Flood Management evidence for the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme business proposal.

Flood resilience

Use of a LoRaWAN network (Long Range Wide Area Network) to provide a flood warning system which uses more accurate, real-time information

Flood resilience

Exploring the potential for near real-time, nationwide mapping of floods using satellites.

Flood resilience

Improving understanding of the impacts of flooding on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Flood resilience

Applying newly developed spatial analysis method to support integrated urban infrastructure management.

Flood resilience

Combining data from the LWW partnership organisations to increase operational preparedness.

Flood resilience

A collaborative, innovative programme to reduce the impact of flooding and climate change in the region

Flood resilience

Improving property flood resilience across Yorkshire through awareness raising and public engagement

Land Management

Land management

Helping organisations to provide evidence of the health and wellbeing benefits of green and blue spaces in urban and rural environments

Land management

Providing evidence for the Don Catchment Hidden Heritage Secret Streams project.

Land management

Developing a better understanding of how to make a Green-blue infrastructure business case.

Natural flood management

Creating an evidence directory of natural flood management.

Natural Flood Management

Natural flood management

This is an NFM test case of integrating multiple stakeholder issues in one river model for Backstone Beck at Ilkley Moor.

Natural flood management | Flood resilience

Support the delivery of NFM by producing accessible and helpful industry guidance in the UK (CIRIA funded).

Natural flood management

Improve landscape resilience, increase wildlife habitat, empower communities to access the outdoors, and to reduce risk to heritage sites to ensure long-term sustainability of Fountains Abbey and the Studley Royal Estate.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Using modeling to prioritise NFM interventions in Calderdale and understand the role of existing features.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Providing tailored modelling and monitoring support for Yorkshire NFM pilots.

Climate resilience

Understand the role that NFM can play in helping to reduce the impacts of drought.

Natural flood management | Water quality

A forum for networking, learning and disseminating best practice amongst Natural Flood Management practitioners.

Natural flood management

Investigating natural flood management measures impact on slope instability.

Natural flood management

Supported Nidderdale AONB’s ELMs test and trial through the provision of NFM opportunity maps.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Natural flood management

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Natural flood management

Flood risk hotspot analysis to inform tree planting. Demonstrating how land management for conservation can be integrated with commercial interest.

Natural flood management

Unlocking policy for nature based solutions

Natural flood management

Creating an evidence directory of natural flood management.

Peatland Restoration

Peatland restoration

How will climate change impact land-use resilience in the North York Moors over the next 50 – 80 years?

Restoring peatland

Reviewing and informing the direction of the North York Moors peat pilot.

Restoring peatland

Using research to support investment in peatland restoration.

Peatland Monetary Valuation Protocol

Restoring peatland

A simple, cost-effective, replicable and transferable protocol for the deliberative monetary valuation method.

Restoring peatland

New European Green Deal project launched to lead large scale restoration of European wetlands

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture

Developing more effective agri-environmental public goods mechanisms and contracts (H2020 funded).

Sustainable agriculture

Exploring the different ecosystem markets in the UK that deliver public goods.

Sustainable agriculture

Using academic input and regional knowledge to inform DEFRA Environmental Land Management Scheme. 

Sustainable agriculture

Providing the evidence needed to put soil health at the heart of commercial land management.

Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture

Reviewing the evidence on agricultural interventions for improving soil health.

Sustainable agriculture

Developing evidence-based good practice for Integrated Nitrogen Management on Yorkshire Farms.

Sustainable agriculture

Produced a policy brief to Defra on intergrated nitrogen management recommendations

Sustainable agriculture

Helping farmers by quantifying the potential of different agricultural practices and interventions to sequester soil carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Water Quality

Water quality

Providing evidence on the role of sediment for an Environment Agency trial programme.

Water quality | Flood resilience

Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.

Water quality

NERC funded Industrial Mobility Fellowship to investigate the impact Signal Crayfish are having on the sediment budget in the River Derwent catchment

Flood resilience

Developing resources and strategies to slow the spread of aquatic INNS through river catchments in Yorkshire.

Water quality

Creating a free online biosecurity training tool for field practitioners

Water quality

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Water quality

Provision of evidence from other iCASP projects to support the NHLF-funded Ryevitalise project.


Flood resilience | Climate resilience

Making West Yorkshire more resilient to flooding and the impacts of climate change. 


Natural flood management

This is an NFM test case of integrating multiple stakeholder issues in one river model for Backstone Beck at Ilkley Moor.

Water quality

Providing evidence on the role of sediment for an Environment Agency trial programme.

Water quality | Flood resilience

Support the Environment Agency trial addressing sediment and nutrient pollution in Bishop Dike, a tributary of the River Ouse.


Flood resilience

Using nature-based solutions to reduce the amount of debri in watercourses in Kirklees, West Yorkshire.

Natural flood management | Flood resilience

Support the delivery of NFM by producing accessible and helpful industry guidance in the UK (CIRIA funded).

Flood resilience

Delivering engagement tools to promote resilient behaviours in communities vulnerable to flooding.

Climate resilience

Unlocking National Impact: Continuing the legacy of our Communicating Flood Risk Project to a national scale.

Sustainable agriculture

Developing more effective agri-environmental public goods mechanisms and contracts (H2020 funded).

Land management

Helping organisations to provide evidence of the health and wellbeing benefits of green and blue spaces in urban and rural environments.


Restoring peatland

Transforming data collection for evidence-based peatland policy and practice by identifying and selecting core sets of outcome measures.

Flood resilience

Supporting the development of an online database collating catchment data.

Water quality

NERC funded Industrial Mobility Fellowship to investigate the impact Signal Crayfish are having on the sediment budget in the River Derwent catchment.

Land management

Providing evidence for the Don Catchment Hidden Heritage Secret Streams project.


Flood resilience

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Flood resilience

Testing improved forecasting tools over several years and with users through 2022 Yorkshire Surface Water Flood Forecasting Testbed.

Climate resilience

Integrating Environmental Data into the (SHAPE) GIS tool to promote climate resilient decision-making.


Climate resilience

Exploring the different ecosystem markets in the UK that deliver public goods.

Flood resilience

Bringing together a range of stakeholders to look at flood risk management opportunities.


Climate resilience

Evidencing the geothermal energy potential in Yorkshires aquifer’s.

Climate resilience

Developing a better understanding of how to make a Green-blue infrastructure business case.


Land management

Improve landscape resilience, increase wildlife habitat, empower communities to access the outdoors, and to reduce risk to heritage sites to ensure long-term sustainability of Fountains Abbey and the Studley Royal Estate.


Sustainable agriculture

Developing evidence-based good practice for Integrated Nitrogen Management on Yorkshire Farms.

Sustainable agriculture

Produced a policy brief to Defra on intergrated nitrogen management recommendations.

Flood resilience

Developing resources and strategies to slow the spread of aquatic INNS through river catchments in Yorkshire.

Water quality

Creating a free online biosecurity training tool for field practitioners


Sustainable agriculture

Using academic input and regional knowledge to inform DEFRA Environmental Land Management Scheme. 

Flood resilience

Provision of Natural Flood Management evidence for the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme business proposal.

Flood resilience

Using LoRaWAN networks (Long Range Wide Area Network) to provide a flood warning system.


Water quality

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Using modeling to prioritise NFM interventions in Calderdale and understand the role of existing features.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Providing tailored modelling and monitoring support for Yorkshire NFM pilots.


Natural flood management | Climate resilience

Understand the role that NFM can play in helping to reduce the impacts of drought.

Natural flood management | Water quality

A forum for networking, learning and disseminating best practice amongst Natural Flood Management practitioners.

Natural flood management

Investigating natural flood management measures impact on slope instability.

Natural flood management

Supported Nidderdale AONB’s ELMs test and trial through the provision of NFM opportunity maps.

Peatland restoration

How will climate change impact land-use resilience in the North York Moors over the next 50 – 80 years?

Restoring peatland

Reviewing and informing the direction of the North York Moors peat pilot.

Sustainable agriculture

Providing the evidence needed to put soil health at the heart of commercial land management.


Restoring peatland

Using research to support investment in peatland restoration.


Natural flood management | Water quality

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Restoring peatland

A simple, cost-effective, replicable and transferable protocol for the deliberative monetary valuation method.

Sustainable agriculture

Reviewing the evidence on agricultural interventions for improving soil health.


Natural flood management

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Water quality

Provision of evidence from other iCASP projects to support the NHLF-funded Ryevitalise project.


Flood resilience

Exploring the potential for near real-time, nationwide mapping of floods using satellites.

Flood resilience

Skills audit of Yorkshire Risk Management Authorities – focussing on green skills and Schedule 3.

Flood resilience

Improving understanding of the impacts of flooding on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Sustainable agriculture

Improve methods for measuring soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to support regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestration initiatives.

Climate Resilience

Low-cost plan to help cricket clubs be more resilient to climate change.

Natural flood management

Flood risk hotspot analysis to inform tree planting. Demonstrating how land management for conservation can be integrated with commercial interest.

Flood resilience

Applying newly developed spatial analysis method to support integrated urban infrastructure management.


Flood resilience

Combining data from the LWW partnership organisations to increase operational preparedness.


Sustainable agriculture

Helping farmers by quantifying the potential of different agricultural practices and interventions to sequester soil carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate resilience

Case studies to demonstrate how the Met Office’s UKCP18 data can be applied for flood and drought risk assessments in Yorkshire.

Climate resilience

Looking at how University of Leeds can become more resilient to climate change.

Natural flood management

Focuses on identifying and addressing policy barriers to implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate resilience and environmental enhancement.

Natural flood management

Creating an evidence directory of natural flood management.


Climate resilience

Developing a policy brief to support Leeds City Council in setting a water efficiency standard for new homes.

Restoring peatland

New European Green Deal project launched to lead large scale restoration of European wetlands.

Flood resilience

A collaborative, innovative programme to reduce the impact of flooding and climate change in the region.


Flood resilience

Improving property flood resilience across Yorkshire through awareness raising and public engagement.

Flood resilience | Climate resilience

Making West Yorkshire more resilient to flooding and the impacts of climate change. 

Natural flood management

This is an NFM test case of integrating multiple stakeholder issues in one river model for Backstone Beck at Ilkley Moor.

Water quality

Providing evidence on the role of sediment for an Environment Agency trial programme.

Water quality | Flood resilience

Support the Environment Agency trial addressing sediment and nutrient pollution in Bishop Dike, a tributary of the River Ouse.

Flood resilience

Using nature-based solutions to reduce the amount of debri in watercourses in Kirklees, West Yorkshire.

Natural flood management | Flood resilience

Support the delivery of NFM by producing accessible and helpful industry guidance in the UK (CIRIA funded).

Flood resilience

Delivering engagement tools to promote resilient behaviours in communities vulnerable to flooding.

Climate resilience | Flood resilience

Unlocking National Impact: Continuing the legacy of our Communicating Flood Risk Project to a national scale.

Sustainable agriculture

Developing more effective agri-environmental public goods mechanisms and contracts (H2020 funded).

Land management

Helping organisations to provide evidence of the health and wellbeing benefits of green and blue spaces in urban and rural environments.

Restoring peatland

Transforming data collection for evidence-based peatland policy and practice by identifying and selecting core sets of outcome measures.

Flood resilience

Supporting the development of an online database collating catchment data.

Water quality

NERC funded Industrial Mobility Fellowship to investigate the impact Signal Crayfish are having on the sediment budget in the River Derwent catchment.

Land management

Providing evidence for the Don Catchment Hidden Heritage Secret Streams project.

Flood resilience

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Flood resilience

Testing improved forecasting tools over several years and with users through 2022 Yorkshire Surface Water Flood Forecasting Testbed.

Climate resilience

Integrating Environmental Data into the (SHAPE) GIS tool to promote climate resilient decision-making.

Climate resilience

Exploring the different ecosystem markets in the UK that deliver public goods.

Flood resilience

Bringing together a range of stakeholders to look at flood risk management opportunities.

Climate resilience

Evidencing the geothermal energy potential in Yorkshires aquifer’s.

Climate resilience

Developing a better understanding of how to make a Green-blue infrastructure business case.

Land management

Improve landscape resilience, increase wildlife habitat, empower communities to access the outdoors, and to reduce risk to heritage sites to ensure long-term sustainability of Fountains Abbey and the Studley Royal Estate.

Sustainable agriculture

Developing evidence-based good practice for Integrated Nitrogen Management on Yorkshire Farms.

Sustainable agriculture

Produced a policy brief to Defra on intergrated nitrogen management recommendations.

Flood resilience

Developing resources and strategies to slow the spread of aquatic INNS through river catchments in Yorkshire.

Water quality

Creating a free online biosecurity training tool for field practitioners.

Sustainable agriculture

Using academic input and regional knowledge to inform DEFRA Environmental Land Management Scheme. 

Flood resilience

Provision of Natural Flood Management evidence for the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme business proposal.

Flood resilience

Use of a LoRaWAN network (Long Range Wide Area Network) to provide a flood warning system which uses more accurate, real-time information.

Water quality

Testing the feasibility of converting the latest advances in probabilistic rainfall forecasting into real-time forecasts and warnings.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Using modeling to prioritise NFM interventions in Calderdale and understand the role of existing features.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Providing tailored modelling and monitoring support for Yorkshire NFM pilots.

Natural flood management | Climate resilience

Understand the role that NFM can play in helping to reduce the impacts of drought.

Natural flood management | Water quality

A forum for networking, learning and disseminating best practice amongst Natural Flood Management practitioners.

Natural flood management

Investigating natural flood management measures impact on slope instability.

Natural flood management

Supported Nidderdale AONB’s ELMs test and trial through the provision of NFM opportunity maps.

Peatland restoration

How will climate change impact land-use resilience in the North York Moors over the next 50 – 80 years?

Restoring peatland

Reviewing and informing the direction of the North York Moors peat pilot.

Sustainable agriculture

Providing the evidence needed to put soil health at the heart of commercial land management.

Restoring peatland

Using research to support investment in peatland restoration.

Natural flood management | Water quality

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Restoring peatland

A simple, cost-effective, replicable and transferable protocol for the deliberative monetary valuation method.

Sustainable agriculture

Reviewing the evidence on agricultural interventions for improving soil health.

Natural flood management

Integrating natural flood management measures into payment for outcomes schemes in the Yorkshire Dales.

Water quality

Provision of evidence from other iCASP projects to support the NHLF-funded Ryevitalise project.

Flood resilience

Exploring the potential for near real-time, nationwide mapping of floods using satellites.

Flood resilience

Skills audit of Yorkshire Risk Management Authorities – focussing on green skills and Schedule 3.

Flood resilience

Improving understanding of the impacts of flooding on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Sustainable agriculture

Focuses on improving methods to measure soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to support regenerative agriculture and carbon reporting initiatives.

Climate Resilience

Low-cost plan to help cricket clubs be more resilient to climate change.

Natural flood management

Flood risk hotspot analysis to inform tree planting. Demonstrating how land management for conservation can be integrated with commercial interest.

Flood resilience

Applying newly developed spatial analysis method to support integrated urban infrastructure management.

Flood resilience

Developing resources and strategies to slow the spread of aquatic INNS through river catchments in Yorkshire.

Flood resilience

Combining data from the LWW partnership organisations to increase operational preparedness.

Sustainable agriculture

Helping farmers by quantifying the potential of different agricultural practices and interventions to sequester soil carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate resilience

Case studies to demonstrate how the Met Office’s UKCP18 data can be applied for flood and drought risk assessments in Yorkshire.

Climate resilience

Looking at how University of Leeds can become more resilient to climate change.

Natural flood management

Focuses on identifying and addressing policy barriers to implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate resilience and environmental enhancement.

Natural flood management

Creating an evidence directory of natural flood management.

Climate resilience

Developing a policy brief to support Leeds City Council in setting a water efficiency standard for new homes.

Restoring peatland

New European Green Deal project launched to lead large scale restoration of European wetlands.

Flood resilience

A collaborative, innovative programme to reduce the impact of flooding and climate change in the region.

Flood resilience

Improving property flood resilience across Yorkshire through awareness raising and public engagement.