Yorkshire Property Flood Resilience DEFRA Pathfinder

Improving property flood resilience across Yorkshire through raising awareness and public engagement

The Yorkshire Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Pathfinder project aims to increase the number of properties that effectively use PFR measures across the region to make them less vulnerable to flooding.

It is one of three DEFRA-commissioned projects of its kind in the country and aims to raise awareness of property flood resilience across the Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) region, identifying good practices and any barriers to uptake.

The Yorkshire region has one of the highest levels of flood risk in the UK from all sources of flooding and it is essential people take action themselves to increase the resilience of their homes and businesses. PFR describes measures installed in properties to reduce their risk of flooding and speed up recovery so that help people can move back into their homes quickly after a flood incident.

We are working with communities, planning and construction professionals and the insurance sector to raise awareness and understanding to encourage a change in peoples' perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards PFR.

A range of activities will be developed to actively involve and empower participants to adopt measures to make themselves and their properties resilient to flooding. These will include showcasing model PFR measures in awareness-raising events, some being located in a physical demonstration site at Wilberforce College, Hull as part of the Living with Water initiative. A touring display has been created to use at regional events and temporary exhibitions at Lead Local Flood Authority sites.

iCASP's role in this project is to survey current knowledge, attitudes and uptake of PFR measures across the region at the start of the project. This will help inform the design of the activities. The survey will be repeated at the end of the project to understand the impact the Pathfinder has had.

If you would like more information about the project, you can visit the Yorkshire Flood Resilience website, follow its progress on Twitter @YorkshirePFR, or email YorkshirePropertyFloodResilience@york.gov.uk


City of York Council Living with Water partnership in Hull University of Hull JBA Consulting Environment Agency DEFRA Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee

Project Team

Steve Wragg – York City Council Shelley Evans – Impact Translation Fellow iCASP & JBA Consulting Ben Rabb – iCASP Impact Translation Fellow Julia Martin Ortega, Sally Russell & Paola Saki – University of Leeds Emily Christopherson, Maria Botterill & Thomasin Sayers – JBA Consulting Emily Howes & Laura Davidson, project officers – Yorkshire Flood Resilience


September 2019 – 2021

Useful links

Project updates


The Yorkshire Flood Resilience PFR Pathfinder project concluded at the end of September 2021, the overview report is available to download below.

Overview Report

    The personal information we request from you is used exclusively to help us understand the impact and use of the document. By providing your details and downloading this resource you consent to iCASP contacting you at a later date for feedback on how useful it has been. Your information will be kept secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act; it will be kept confidential and will be retained by iCASP for a maximum period of 10 years. You are under no obligation to respond and you can opt out at any time by contacting icasp@leeds.ac.uk.

    How do we make a national resilient to flooding? – a Charted Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) webinar featuring Steve Wragg and Shelley Evans talking about this project

    A blog by Flood Mary Mary Dhonau about the contribution made by the 3 Defra-funded Pathfinder projects including Yorkshire Property Flood Resilience.