Provision of Natural Flood Management evidence for the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme business proposal
iCASP helped develop the business case for Phase 2 of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) by providing cost estimates for different standards of the baselining and ongoing monitoring specification. This helped to secure additional funding for the project by justifying the additional budget needed.
iCASP continues to work closely with organisations involved in developing the second phase of LeedsFAS, which plans to put in natural flood management measures in the River Aire Catchment. Measures being considered include: tree planting, peatland grip blocking, run-off attenuation features, floodplain woodland planting, riparian planting, changing land-use methods and river rehabilitation (including re-meandering).
This small project was the start of iCASP’s continuing involvement in Leeds FAS2 and has facilitated communications and productive working relationships between academic researchers and project partners.
Environment Agency
Thomas MacKay Ltd.
University of Leeds
Project Team
Dr. Richard Grayson, Prof. Lee Brown & Dr. Megan Klaar – University of Leeds
Rob Munroe – iCASP Impact Translation Fellow
August – September 2017