SCRIMP – Skills Capacity and Resilience Improvement Programme (WYFLIP)

Relevance There is a critical capacity and skills gap risk to the delivery of flood reduction and resilience benefits in the region. At the same time, there are new demands from the  Flood and Water Management Act Schedule including a requirement for green skills associated with climate resilience and readiness. Before SCRIMP, two Yorkshire-wide initiatives were looking … Read more

WY FLIP Roadmap

Research England has funded the development of a Roadmapwhich sets out the shared vision, purpose and future direction of the WY FLIP. To realise true innovation and increase resilience we need input from a wide range of partners from a wide range of sectors including: infrastructure, health, finance, transport, planning, education and the community and voluntary sector. … Read more

Spread the word – New flood incident engagement exercise

We’ve been working with our partners across the region to launch our exciting new flood incident engagement exercise  to help Risk Management Authorities, (RMAs) and the wider community improve how they communicate during flood events. This is part of our  Communicating Flood Risk project which aims to improve engagement, address challenges surrounding community resilience and promote … Read more

Innovative action plan gets funding to reduce the impact of flooding across West Yorkshire

An innovative plan to reduce the impact of flooding and climate change in West Yorkshire over the next six years is being launched during national Flood Action Week. Spearheaded by five local Lead Flood Authorities across the region, the West Yorkshire Flood Innovation Programme (FLIP) has just been achieved a successful bid for £160k local … Read more

Press Release – How much do you know about how to protect your property from flooding?

14 October 2021 People who live and work in Yorkshire are being asked about how much they know about making their property flood resilient as part of a national project. Yorkshire Flood Resilience is one of three Pathfinder Projects in the country that have been funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural … Read more

We won an award…

At its very heart, iCASP has been designed to be about working in partnership with others across the region to generate benefits, create jobs and products, to save money and ensure that existing environmental research can be used to address the many different challenges we face. So, we were delighted to win the University of … Read more

The iCASP workstreams

There are seven iCASP workstreams, six of which focus on delivering solutions to problems across the catchment; the seventh overarches the whole programme. The six solution-focused workstreams are carbon sequestration, climate resilience, drought & flood risk mitigation, flood forecasting, sustainable agriculture and water quality. An iCASP project will typically have elements of several workstreams within … Read more

Natural flood management measures in the landscape: a blend of research expertise and volunteering

As well as the various natural flood management (NFM) projects we have running within the iCASP programme at the moment, we also provide information and guidance to other organisations with their NFM projects. A key aspect of this is providing advice about initial and ongoing monitoring of NFM measures. This means it’s possible to understand … Read more