WY FLIP Roadmap

Research England has funded the development of a Roadmapwhich sets out the shared vision, purpose and future direction of the WY FLIP. To realise true innovation and increase resilience we need input from a wide range of partners from a wide range of sectors including: infrastructure, health, finance, transport, planning, education and the community and voluntary sector.

The Roadmap includes priorities, ways of working and milestones and was created collaboratively through consultation with partners. It will be updated regularly to reflect the direction of WY FLIP and make sure it continues to represent the views of partners.

The roadmap, will be used to:  

  • Foster joint understanding and ownership of the aim and purpose of the WY FLIP and its five priority themes  
  • Set out a co-designed, joint vision for actions, milestones and future sustainability of the programme  
  • Identify opportunities, barriers and innovations under each of the five priority themes, including scoping of shovel-ready and flagship projects  
  •  Communicate the joint vision and action plan of the WY FLIP to engage further partners and potential funding.