Deliberative monetary valuation protocol resources

The Deliberative Monetary Valuation method (DMV) is one type of environmental valuation technique that allows valuation of the benefits that ecosystems provide to humans. This protocol sets out key steps for conducting the DMV method as well as important considerations of its application. It is particularly aimed at non-academics – environmental practitioners especially – interested in independently valuing and/or discussing values of ecosystem services.The protocol uses peatland restoration as an example, but it is applicable to any kind of ecosystem.

The protocol and the video below will guide you through the process. The downloads further down the page are resources that you will need to carry out your own DMV workshop – some are guidance notes, others are template documents for you to adjust to suit your needs.

When using any of the resources, please credit us appropriately: This document is support material for the Deliberative Valuation Protocol developed by the iCASP team. Document to be cited as: Ferré, M., Tyllianakis, E., Martin-Ortega, J. 2020. Deliberative Monetary Valuation for practitioners – A protocol for the estimation of benefits from ecosystem restoration. Report of the Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme (iCASP), Leeds.

The Deliberative Monetary Valuation method protocol

This video is a training session that was provided to several practitioners involved in ecosystem restoration in the use of the DMV method. It has been edited so only contains members of iCASP staff and the material presented at the training held on 7 July 2020.

Download the Deliberative Monetary Valuation protocol: please enter your organisation’s name and your email address below:

    The personal information we request from you is used exclusively to help us understand the impact and use of the document. By providing your details above and downloading this resource you consent to iCASP contacting you at a later date for feedback on how useful it has been. Your information will be kept secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act; it will be kept confidential and will be retained by iCASP for a maximum period of 10 years. You are under no obligation to respond and you can opt out at any time by contacting

    Download essential resources to carry out the DMP method (click on title of resource to download)

    Consent form – This will need to be tailored depending upon your procedure

    Socio-economic questionnaire – Questionnaire to gather participants’ socio-economic variables (for Part B – phase 2)

    Powerpoint presentation template – Provides background information (peatland case) to be tailored depending upon interest and audience (for Part B – phase 6.1)

    Valuation card – This will need to be tailored depending upon your site and procedure. This is for a general population

    Guidance for designing the valuation card – Guidance for how to use the valuation card and what information to include in it.

    Sampling template and guidelines – This file uses ONS data and will help you understand what your sample should look like in relation to the key criteria of your target population (Excel file).

    Sample dataset and example – Spreadsheet with guidance on how to calculate Willingness to Pay (WTP) (Excel file).

    Q method guidance and template – This includes the statements and the Q-grid and guidance on how to carry it out (for Part B – phase 6.1).