Impact Translation Fellow

Janet has a background in Earth Sciences, especially in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geomorphology, hydrology and sedimentology. Her PhD on landscape evolution of ancient river systems in South Africa involved investigating erosion rates, source to sink analysis and morphometric characterisation of drainage basins using GIS. She has also worked on characterising mixed bedrock alluvial rivers in Wales.
Janet spent a year in industry as an environmental consultant (primarily in geomorphology) where she gained experience of assessing water company drought plans including geomorphological and hydrological assessments, Strategic Environmental Assessments and Habitat Regulation Assessments.
And if you ever want to know anything about life in Liverpool, ask Janet as she’s a real fan of the City!
iCASP projects include: Derwent Data Finder, Don Catchment and Invasive Non-Native Species and Payment for Outcomes. Janet has also been involved in some of iCASP’s mini-projects including Skell and Ryevitalise.