iCASP hosting Exercise Augustus – surface water flood forecasting and response workshop

This week iCASP hosted a workshop for a range of organisations across Yorkshire involved with flood preparedness and response, and national organisations responsible for producing flood forecasts and alerts. The workshop was run to test out how useful it could be to combine probabilistic rainfall forecasts (Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System, MOGREPS) … Read more

Let’s talk nitrogen pollution

Photo credit: Andrew Walker, Yorkshire Water

An iCASP workshop aims to kick start an integrated catchment approach to reducing nitrogen pollution from farming. But as most excess nitrogen comes from agricultural activities, improvements will only happen if enough farmers get on board, so a quick  Have Your say questionnaire is available for farmers to influence the workshop even if they can’t come along. (Please feel free to forward this item if you know a farmer willing to share their experience)

High volumes of nitrogen in the water or in the air are harmful to human health, but most efforts to reduce them focus on a single impact or activity such as slurry spreading. An iCASP project, if designed well with input from farmers, researchers, Defra teams and regulators, could bring about a new approach with benefits for farm businesses and the environment.

An agenda and directions to the venue can be downloaded from the links below.

Nitrogen Workshop Final Agenda

Kings Manor Info


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Defining a Future for Yorkshire Farming

The iCASP Public Goods Project has produced some resources which will be showcased at the Defining a Future for Yorkshire Farming today (Nov 15th 2018). The one day conference hosted by the Yorkshire Food farming and Rural Network is expecting Secretary of State, Michael Gove, to attend as keynote speaker. The National Farmers’ Union, one … Read more

UKCP18 Regional Forum

The UKCP18 Regional User Forum will use the release of the updated UK Climate Projections 18 as an opportunity to bring together different sectors of the regional economy to ensure that the latest knowledge is embedded in catchment management decisions. The afternoon event in Leeds on March 8th 2019 will be designed for organisations who need to use UK climate projections for resilience planning and long-term business strategies.

IF INTERESTED, Quick email to:  icasp@leeds.ac.uk


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iCASP Confluence 2018

A clutch of project ideas and some very useful feedback have come out of the iCASP Confluence 2018.  About eighty delegates from partner organisations and partner universities attended to catch up on project progress, network and share experiences so far.

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Understanding the methods to Value Ecosystem Services

Photo credit: Jenny Sharman

This workshop, part of the iCASP Confluence 2018, introduced some basic principles and methods for valuing ecosystem services. It used the example of one of the on-going iCASP projects, which focuses on how to estimate the benefits of peatland restoration.

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FAS Workshop

Flood Alleviation Schemes This workshop led by Steve Wragg, Flood Risk Manager at City of York Council, was an opportunity for anyone involved in, or affected by, a flood alleviation scheme in Yorkshire to share ideas, problems and advice. It was also a way to get an overview of what’s going on and where. The … Read more

Soil Health Metric Workshop


This workshop was a first step towards considering what a soil health index could and should include. A potential follow-on activity could be compiling an advisory briefing for Defra which is looking for ways to assess soil health. Please get in touch with icasp@leeds.ac.uk if you would like to be involved.

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New UK Climate Scenarios

Credit: Malcolm Campbell

This workshop provided an open forum for suggestions about how iCASP could continue to support the region to make informed climate adaptation decisions building on the success of the iCASP UKCP18 project which anticipated the release later this year of The UK Climate Projections 2018.

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NFM Knowledge Exchange

This workshop was an opportunity for people from different catchments across Yorkshire to meet and share learning, experience and approaches to dealing with the inevitable challenges that are generated by pioneering natural flood management (NFM) schemes.

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