The Great North Bog, United Kingdom, is one of six Action Sites included in WaterLANDS – a five year European Union Green Deal funded project which aims to restore damaged wetlands across Europe and lay the foundations for protection across larger areas.
We are looking for artists to engage with the site, the restoration team and the project more broadly, on a part-time basis (approximately one month annually for four years from 2023 to 2026).
The aim is for the artist to reflect on the ongoing restoration at the site, as well as broader social processes, by interacting with relevant stakeholders and communities. This will culminate with an exhibition at the final project event in 2026, where accounts of the six artistic engagements will be exhibited in varied forms.
The Great North Bog covers large parts of the north of England including Yorkshire and covering four National Parks, three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the proposed South Pennines Park. The site represents significant opportunity to implement the peatland restoration objectives in the 25 Year Environment Plan.
Deadline for applications is 13 January 2023.
Full details of what is offered, expected, and how to apply are contained in the WaterLANDS artist engagement residency brief for the United Kingdom.
Download the artist engagement residency brief for the UK
WaterLANDS will use lessons learned from ongoing and existing restoration at 15 ‘Knowledge Sites’ across Europe to inform hands-on peatland restoration at six ‘Action Sites’ in the UK, Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands.
We are hosting an artistic engagement residency at each of the six Action Sites which will require the artist to reflect on the journey of their particular site, engage communities, increase awareness of the importance of restoration and help to create and share knowledge across the project and beyond.
In WaterLANDS we want art to be an integral part of creating and reflecting cultural renewal brought about by restoration. We see art and science as complementary disciplines, both driven by curiosity and enquiry. They can provide different perspectives on restoration and give rise to unique collaborations.
iCASP through its role as WaterLANDS Action Site lead is supporting the Great North Bog (GNB) initiative to deliver large-scale peatland restoration across large parts of Northern England. The University of Leeds and iCASP will coordinate action site stakeholders throughout the Great North Bog, creating task forces that support local practitioners to work differently and co-create new restoration plans that embed WaterLANDS approaches.
For more information email