Providing evidence from other iCASP projects to support the National Lottery Heritage Fund project Ryevitalise
iCASP is providing support to the Ryevitalise Landscape Partnership Scheme by providing robust evidence drawn from several previous and existing iCASP projects.
The £3.4m scheme is supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and delivered by the North York Moors National Park Authority, with support from partners including the Environment Agency and Natural England.

The other iCASP projects of particular relevance include Invasive Non Native Species (INNS), the Derwent Data Finder and Modelling Natural Flood Management pilots across Yorkshire. This project also draws upon Dr Janet Richardson's Industrial Mobility Fellowship with Yorkshire Water on diffuse pollution erosion risk and sediment fingerprinting in the River Derwent catchment. A key output of the Fellowship used in the Ryevitalise scheme is Geographic Information System layers of high resolution erosion risk incorporating seasonal variation, climate change and artificial drainage. Further sediment fingerprinting data and lessons learnt in the catchment area will be used to inform future work. The various outputs of all these projects, and other learning across the suite of iCASP projects, will inform the delivery of the Ryevitalise Scheme and its various themes, as well as influencing the allocation of funding until 2023.
Final reports for the Ryevitalise study area
Seasonal Erosion Risk
Sediment Fingerprinting
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These reports draw upon Dr Janet Richardson's Industrial Mobility Fellowship with Yorkshire Water on diffuse pollution erosion risk and sediment fingerprinting in the River Derwent catchment.