How does a project come into being?
The iCASP team facilitate the development of project ideas by running co-design workshops and brokering connections between people with an interest in working together to address a challenge or opportunity. Ideas are also welcomed out of the blue and should be submitted as a short concept note. (template available to download below).
If the concept meets iCASP project criteria, the programme’s Executive Management Group will suggest other expertise that might be needed. Then the project proposer works with the iCASP office to develop a fuller proposal/project plan which explains the challenge to be met, how environmental science can make a difference, what resources are needed, what benefits will be delivered and how this impact can be achieved and measured. iCASP’s Governance Group will make the final decision on whether the project should go ahead.
The FAQs document provides more information to help you decide if your idea meets the iCASP criteria. When you’re ready to submit an idea, please use the concept note template document.