Social and Economic Analysis Workstream Lead

I’m a Professor of Ecological Economics at the Sustainability Research Institute specializing in understanding the socio-economic impacts of changes in water environments. I am Associate Director of water@leeds, where I help others securing funds and creating partnerships for exciting research for addressing global water challenges.
Originally from Spain, I started my academic career about 12 years ago, and have been at Leeds University since July 2015. All my research has a strong policy and social impact focus, having influenced for example Scotland’s Water Resource Act (2013) and having produced materials to assist conservation practitioners in their efforts to restore peatlands. I’m passionate about all aspects of research and teaching, from the generation of knowledge to engaging with stakeholders who might benefit from that knowledge.
In iCASP I am member of the Executive Management Group, where I lead the socio-economic work and the Impact Evaluation Group, where I help monitor iCASP delivery of impact.