Research Fellow
Manolis is an environmental economist interested in furthering the socio-economic impact of land/water management decisions. He has two main research lines: 1) Understanding how human behaviour impacts water ecosystems and human welfare in return and 2) Capturing the implications of climate change and over-exploitation of resources in economic terms and how this can be linked to human perceptions.
Manolis has a background in economics, especially in environmental economics where he has a PhD on the effects of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive on the income of Europeans. He has experience working in the government sector with a focus on the non-market valuation of ecosystem services in freshwater and marine ecosystems in projects across the U.K., Caribbean and South Pacific regions. Currently, Manolis is working on two H2020 projects within the iCASP remit, CONSOLE and ThinkNature looking into the acceptability, behaviour and preferences of land managers in the UK for agri-environmental-climate public goods and furthering the case for business models for, and international adoption of, Nature-Based Solutions respectively.