We have a number of structures in place to ensure that iCASP is well-managed and that we achieve our aims.
Our Governance Group provides external review and ensures that all iCASP’s Springboard Partners play a role in the iCASP decision-making process. The Governance Group works to ensure iCASP is a user-drive programme with projects that have been co-developed and are appropriately balanced across all the workstreams.
Our Executive Management Group ensures the implementation and coordination of the programme. They also support academic rigour and ensure projects draw upon existing expertise across the iCASP universities.
Our Impact Evaluation Group works to support and ensure that the maximum impact possible is achieved from the programme. They do this by providing support to projects in the second stage of their proposals, through evaluating the proposals and providing information to the Governance Group about how the project relates to Key Success Measures (KSM). They also monitor and evaluate impacts from projects and report to the Executive Management Group and the Governance Group as appropriate.
Our iCASP Programme Team has responsibility for the day-to-day running of iCASP.