Confluence 2020 – open for registration

Join us for Confluence 2020, which will be delivered through two webinars and a series of video project updates this year. We invite all partners, academics, stakeholders and those with an interest in catchment management to join us.

The two themed webinars will each cover several iCASP and iCASP-partner projects, including the links between them and impacts achieved to date, as well as providing an opportunity for a Q&A session and discussion of future project ideas, priorities and ways to maximise impact.

The video updates will outline progress on projects not covered in the webinars and will be made available on the iCASP website for anyone to view from 26 June onwards. The webinars will be recorded and made available online afterwards. A summary of the Q&As submitted and discussed during the webinars will also be made available.


Webinar 1: Increasing the climate resilience of Yorkshire’s cities, towns and villages (Friday 26 June, 14.00-16.00)

14.00 – 14.30 – Welcome to Confluence 2020 and overview of iCASP

14.30 – 16.00 – Themed session on ‘Increasing the climate resilience of Yorkshire’s cities, towns and villages’

  • Introduction (Ben Rabb)
  • Session 1: climate service projects and activities (Ben Rabb and tbc)
  • Session 2: flood forecasting projects and activities (Cathryn Birch and tbc)
  • Session 3: flood resilience projects and activities (Paola Sakai, Steve Wragg and Jenny Armstrong)
  • Session 4: green & blue infrastructure and interoperability projects and activities (David Dawson and Andy Brown)
  • Q&A and discussion

Webinar 2: Where next for Yorkshire’s soils? (Tuesday 30 June 09.30 – 11.30)

09.30 – 11.00 – Themed session on ‘Where next for Yorkshire’s soils’

  • Introduction (Jonathan Leake)
  • Session 1: public goods – soil health (Pippa Chapman)
  • Session 2: payment for outcomes – soil and NFM (Elizabeth Sullivan)
  • Session 3: CONSOLE – learning from the EU about agri-environmental schemes (Manolis Tyllianakis)
  • Session 4: integrated nitrogen management – supporting national policy development (Kevin Hicks)
  • Q&A and discussion

11.00 – 11.30 – Wrap-up and summary of the issues covered in this webinar and the previous one to outline ways forward and future project opportunities

Register for Webinar 1: Increasing the climate resilience of Yorkshire’s cities, towns and villages

Register for Webinar 2: Where next for Yorkshire’s soils?