Working across Europe to achieve the best agri-environment public goods

iCASP is collaborating with researchers across 13 EU countries as part of a new Horizon 2020 project, CONSOLE,  that will be developing greater understanding of the delivery of agri-environmental climate public goods.

Agri-environmental public goods are the goods or benefits that people enjoy without having to pay for them – such as clean air and water, biodiverse wildlife or the sequestration of carbon into agricultural soils. These all improve our quality of life and wellbeing, but we don’t pay to access them each time we ‘use’ them.

While this is not an iCASP project in itself, it is highly complementary to the work that iCASP undertakes across the catchment, and in particular on sustainable agriculture and flood risk mitigation.

Photo Credit: Les Firbank

iCASP’s role in the CONSOLE project is to create a case study that summarises what the Yorkshire-based projects in the Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund (CSFF) have done and summarise any associated learning and best practice that can be applied elsewhere.

iCASP will help develop a Community of Practice that will allow practitioners and others involved to co-develop, test and ultimately implement new ways of working that allow the long term delivery of agri-environmental public goods.


Useful links and further information:

CONSOLE project website

University of Leeds researchers working on CONSOLE

Information on Horizon 2020


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 817949