This week, Alison Dunn who leads the Invasive Non Native Species project gave evidence at the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into Invasive Species. iCASP had previously submitted written evidence to the inquiry and Alison was invited to attend the first evidence session where the Committee began to get an understanding of the issues that will shape the inquiry.
Some points that Alison made during her session include:
- economically important impacts of invasive species on, for example, on the building trade and water companies
- the importance of biosecurity to stop initial invasions, spread, or re-infestation
- the unprecedented rate at which new species are being introduced
- the reliance, in some cases, of biosecurity on voluntary agreements rather than legislation
- the shift in climate that may affect whether an invasive species becomes problematic or not
Alison’s session can be seen on Parliament TV (begins at 11:36:00)
There is also a transcript of the session available