Water quality resources

Natural flood management project resources

Links to reports, video about NFM and a poster summarising natural capital tools and their application to NFM

Derwent data finder project resources

Lessons learnt document produced as a summary at the end of the project

Optimal peatland restoration project resources

User guide for valuing the benefits of peatland restoration and a flyer produced for the project

Integrated nitrogen management workshop project resources

Policy briefing note produced for the projects

Public goods – soil health project resources

Report, executive summary and briefing paper about the project

Invasive non native species project resources

Video clips of iCASP contribution to EAC inquiry into invasive species

Deliberative monetary valuation project resources

DMV protocol, guidance video and associated essential materials to carry out a deliberative monetary valuation process

Don Catchment project resources

The main report, a GIS methods report and three case studies on erosion risk, habitat connectivity and overland flow can be downloaded here

Exploring ecosystems markets project resources

The main report and an executive summary for this project can be downloaded here